June 2023: Aniket Pramanik successfully defended his thesis. Congrats Aniket, and wish you the best with your new career at Oak Ridge National Lab.
Feb 2023: Our lab members showcase their research in the Uiowa research excellence video.
Aug 2022: Qing Zou started as a tenure track assistant professor at the University of Texas, Southwestern. Congrats Prof. Zou.
June 2021: Congrats Prof. Mani for the new R01 grant on high resolution diffusion MRI. Looking forward to an exciting collaboration.
June 2021: Abdul Ahmed is starting as a Research Scientist at Philips Medical Systems. Congrats Abdul and best wishes !!
May 2021: Mathews Jacob receives the Research Excellence Award from College of Engineering at UIowa.
May 2021: Aniket Pramanik's ISMRM abstract receives the Summa cum Laude merit award at ISMRM. Congrats Aniket.
May 2021: Qing Zou defended his PhD thesis on Manifold Algorithms. Congrats Qing.
April 2021: Qing Zou receives the best paper award at ISBI 2021. Congrats Qing on this great honor.
March 2021: Qing Zou's new paper on Generative SToRM is accepted in IEEE TMI special issue on Deep Image Reconstruction
Jan 2021: CBIG receives new NIH award on ultra-high-resolution brain MRI using deep learning algorithms
Fall 2020: CBIG alumnus Greg Ongie starts as a tenure track assistant professor at Marquette University. Congrats Greg, and best wishes !!
April 2020: CBIG hosted ISBI 2020 at Iowa City. Mathews Jacob served as the general chair of the conference.
Fall 2019: CBIG alumnus and collaborator Merry Mani starts as a tenure track assistant professor in Radiology at University of Iowa. Congrats Merry, and best wishes !!
Fall 2019: Sampurna Biswas starts as a Research Scientist at KLA Tencor. Congrats Sampurna, and best wishes.
April 2019: Aniket Pramanik wins the best machine learning paper at ISBI 2019. Congrats Aniket, and make use of the 32 GB GPU.
May 2018: Best Poster Award: CBIG member Ms. Sampurna Biswas received the best poster award at the Annual Research Open House at the College of Engineering, Univ. Iowa. Congrats, Ms. Biswas, and have fun with the new ipad !!
April 2018: RSNA Seed Grant: RSNA has recently awarded CBIG collaborator Dr. Prashant Nagpal, MD with a seed grant for his work in breathing techniques for cardiac MRI. Dr. Nagpal has worked closely with his mentor,Dr. Mathews Jacob to design this grant-winning project. Congratulations, Dr. Nagpal !!
Jan 2018: Sajan Goud would be starting as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of Iowa in Fall 2018. Congrats Sajan, and welcome back to Academia from Siemens Corporate Research !!
Dec 2017: New PhD: Ipshita Bhattacharya completed her PhD defense, and would be starting at NIH as a post-doc. Congrats Ipshita and best wishes !!
April 2017: ISMRM 2017: CBIG group has presented 11 abstracts at ISMRM. See publication pages for details. Mathews Jacob presented an educational talk on manifold methods in MRI. The Iowa MRI group and alumni had a nice get together in Honolulu, HI.
April 2017: Tutorial at ISBI 2017: Mathews Jacob offers a tutorial at IEEE ISBI on continuous domain sparse recovery.
March 2017: Graduate college Fellowship: Congrats to Arvind Balachandrasekaran and Sunrita Poddar, who received the graduate college fellowship.
March 2017: Post Comprehensive Research Award: Congrats to Sampurna Biswas, who received the graduate collect post-comprehensive research award.
Jan 2017: CBIG Alumni Sajan Lingala accepted an offer as a senior scientist at Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ
Oct 2016: Sampada Bhave joined University of Wisconsin as a Research Scientist. Congrats Sampada.
Sept 2016: Sampada Bhave passed her PhD exam. Congrats Sampada !!
August 2016: Greg Ongie passed his PhD exam and has stated his new life at the University of Michigan. Congrats Greg, and best wishes !!
April 2016: Congrats Sampada for receiving the Summa Cumme Laude and Ipshita for her Magna Cumme Laude award at ISMRM 2016.
April 2016: Sunrita received the IIBI best poster award at the research open house. Congrats Sunrita.
Feb 2016: Mathews Jacob received a 4 year NIH R-01 grant for ungated & free breathing cardiac MRI. New post-doc & PhD positions are available.
Feb 2016: Yasir's paper on motion compensated dynamic MRI using PRICE is accepted in MRM.
Nov 2015: Sampada's paper on dynamic lung imaging is accepted in special issue on compressive sensing at Investigative Radiology.
Oct 2015: Sunrita's paper on STORM is accepted in TMI.
July 2015: Sajan Goud Lingala won the 2015 Rex Montgomery best thesis award . Congrats Sajan !!
June 2015: Sampurna's paper on low rank and sparse recovery is accepted in SP Letters.
April 2015: Greg Ongie won the best paper award for his work on off the grid image recovery at IEEE ISBI, 2015. Congrats Greg !!
Jan 2014: Yasirs paper on iterative non-local shrinkage is accepted in TMI.
Dec 2014: Yasser is in the news.
July 2014: 7T whole body research scanner arrives at university of Iowa.
July 2014: Sajan's paper on deformation corrected compressed sensing dynamic MRI is accepted in IEEE-TMI.
July 2014: Sampada has been selected as a finalist for the student paper competition at EMBC 2014. Good luck Sampada !!
May 2014: Merry Mani passed her PhD exam from University of Rochester. Congrats Dr. Mani !!
April 2014: Sajan's and Merry's ISMRM abstracts received the magna cumme laude merit award. Congrats Sajan and Merry !!
Mar 2014: Greg's and Yue's paper on generalized HDTV is accepted at TIP.
Mar 2014: Sunrita's paper on manifold sensing has been nominated for the ICASSP best paper award. Congrats Sunrita !!
Mar 2014: Zhili Yang passed her PhD exam. Congrats Dr. Yang !!
Feb 2014: Chen's paper on globally optimal fat water decomposition has been accepted at MRM. The software is available. The algorithm (Konfu Panda) finished second in 2012 ISMRM challenge.
Jan 2014: The matlab codes for blind compressed sensing dynamic MRI are released. Please check the software page.
Jan 2014: Sajan Goud started his new life as a Post-doctoral fellow at University of Southern California. Congrats Sajan !!
Dec 2014: Yue Hu is selected as Associate Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Congrats Prof. Hu !!
Nov 2013: Sajan Goud passed his PhD exam. Congrats Dr. Goud and good luck with the weather in California !!
Nov 2013: Merry's paper on accelerated HARDI is accepted in MRM.
Oct 2013: Sajan's paper on free breathing myo-cardial perfusion MRI is accepted in PMB.
Aug 2013: Yue Hu passed her PhD exam. Congrats Dr. Hu !!