- Deep SLR: Deep Structured Low-rank recovery for uncalibrated
- MoDL: Calibrated parallel MRI using Model based deep learning
- J-MoDL: Joint model-based deep learning for sampling pattern optimization.
- MoDL-MUSSELS: Diffusion MRI using Deep Learning
- SPIRAL-STORM: Navigator/Navigator-less implementation of Smoothness regularization on manifolds (STORM)
- L2-SToRM: Dynamic MRI using smooThness regularization on manifolds (STORM).
- GIRAF: Structured low-rank algorithms for accelerated MRI
- k-t SLR: Accelerated dynamic MRI using low rank and sparse penalties.
- HDTV: Higher degree total variation regularization.
- Generalized HDTV: Fast implementation of HDTV regularization for 3D inverse problems.
- Optimized NUFFT: Non-uniform fast Fourier transfer for non-Cartesian MRI.
- BCS/Blind CS: Blind compressed sensing dynamic MRI.
- GOOSE: GlObally Optimal Surface Estimation for fat-water decomposition.
- (DC-CS): Deformation corrected compressed sensing dynamic MRI.
- PatchReg: Iterative shrinkage algorithm for Patch-Smoothness MRI.
- PRICE: Patch Regularization for Implicit motion CompEnsation.
- Superresolution Image Recovery: Extension of FRI algorithms to multi-dimensional setting.
- R-GOOSE: Rapid GlObally Optimal Surface Estimation for fat-water decomposition.
Java and ImageJ Software:
- SteerableJ: Steerable Feature Detection.